Powercruise offers modified car enthusiasts a place to drive your tough street, race, drift or show car, in a safe and controlled environment while allowing you to do all the things you’re not allowed to do on the streets or anywhere else for that matter.
This page is to answer any questions you have about being an entrant at Powercruise, so please take a moment to read through the information provided.
If we have missed anything, email us with any additional questions at info@powercruise.com
We have also put together for entrants, a Driver Briefing Clip to show you what you can & can’t do on the track so everyone can have a wild & safe time at Powercruise. Powercruise Driver Briefing Clip
Powercruise management prefers that no alcohol is consumed while the track is in action. Alcohol is not permitted within the pit areas during this time.
Breath testing will take place for entrants wishing to enter the track for any of the track activities. All entrants must read 0.00 on the breathalyzer, if you are an entrant and you blow over 0.00 you will excluded from driving until you can blow a 0.00 on the breathalyzer.
After 6pm feel free to have a drink anywhere you wish, remember to drink responsibly and don’t find yourself on the wrong side of the law. ATV Drivers must not drive under the influence. ATV & Vehicle shutdown will be at 9pm each night, or earlier if it is deemed necessary, as Powercruise entrants your behaviour will determine if shut down is earlier or not.
We offer discounted Entry Fees with cut off dates to make it more affordable for everyone, however we do enforce Entry Fee Cut Off dates. When mailing your entry form please make sure the postmark date on the envelope is no later than the dates listed above to receive the discounted pricing. Postmark dates after the Entry Fee Cut Off dates will result in our office contacting you to let you know you have missed the discounted rate for that date.
If you wish to have multiple drivers for the one car each driver will need to submit an entry form and pay the entry fee. Remember, once you are an entered driver you can drive any other entered car at Powercruise (with the owner's permission of course). The same rule applies for 1 person wishing to enter 2 cars, please complete and entry form and pay the entry fee for each car.
Camping is available at all Powercruise Brainerd MN Events. We supply hot showers that are cleaned as often as required which is pretty often considering the large numbers of campers at our events. There are also ample ladies and men’s toilets spread around the venue. This includes both demountable building type toilets as well as portable individual toilets for more urgent matters!!. Camping is available for both entrants and spectators and can be paid at the gate on your arrival in addition to your general spectator entry or prepaid on entry forms if required.
The Camping fees for entrants is additional to any advertised entrants fees. Spectators wishing to camp will need to purchase the Weekend + Camping pass, this is the only pass that permits spectators to camp whether you are staying for only one night or three nights. You can purchase Weekend + Camping passes from our website or at the gate on the day*. *Please check event updates if gate sales will be available for covid affected events.
Powercruise does not book campsites, we don’t hold sites for anyone. Camping is a first come first served. Check the venue maps for the allocated camping areas please. Some areas may not be permitted to have cars in them and some are so please make sure you read the map at the bottom of this page for all the info. No camping on Sunday night please as the event closed at 5pm we ask that everyone leaves the venue by 6pm.
Serviced RV sites are available at BIR, to book your site please book and pay BIR direct. The site fee you pay to BIR covers only your RV site & hook ups, your tickets are not included in that fee.
Detonating or setting off of fireworks is NOT PERMITTED on BIR grounds.
ATV shut down time will be specified on the program for each event. Shut down time can vary, and is subject to change without notice. After ATV shut down, its time to lower your volume. Have a good time, but please be considerate of your neighbours! Ongoing disrespect of the rules and warnings will not be tolerated.
Powercruise offers Condo’s for rent at BIR during Powercruise. There are only 6 so they will go fast. Condo's sell first come first served.
EMAIL US - In regards to Condo Bookings.
Complete the application and send it back to the Powercruise office by email to: info@powercruise.com
Powercruise produces an Event Guide which is an entrants best friend. It will answer all those questions about where to go and what to do and also has a lot more information in it than what can be found on the website so have a read and if you have any further questions please e-mail or call us anytime.
Download Event Guide HERE
There is a huge range of trophies, prize money and prizes up for grab at every Powercruise event thanks to our valued sponsors.
All prize money is paid by check. If you are not present at trophy presentation we will not give your trophy or prize money to a friend. We will post your Trophy and Prize money if applicable to you within 14 days after the event.
All unpresented prize money checks will be cancelled within 14 days of the event if they have not been presented. This is for the security of the entrant of course. Powercruise posts uncollected trophies and prize money checks at the entrants risk. If either is lost in the post or stolen while in the entrants hands, Powercruise will not be responsible and will not be reissuing a new trophy or prize check if applicable. We suggest you hang around for trophy presentations or ask a staff member if you have won a prize if you have to get on the long road home before the presentations start.
Download the Trophy & Prize Money List here
The use of drones is strictly prohibited at Powercruise Events. Unless specifically permitted by Powercruise Management, Drones or any kind of remote piloted, unmanned or model aircraft are not permitted to be used at any time and doing so could result in immediate eviction from the circuit and/or confiscation of the drone until the end of the event, and/or destruction or confiscation of any and all memory cards, footage, images or files obtained. This rule applies regardless of the size, use or purpose of the drone.
Any drone owners/pilots caught flying or filming without permission will be responsible to the full extent of the law and be personally liable in the event of any damages, injuries or anything deemed caused by the presence of that drone.
All drivers must be a minimum of 18 years of age and hold a current drivers licence. Learner’s permits are not permitted. Entered vehicles must be road registered, unregistered vehicles at promoter’s discretion by application.
Once an Entry Form and payment are submitted to Powercruise, your entry cannot be transferred to another Entrant/Driver, another event or to credit. Entrants are permitted to change the entered vehicle at accreditation, but once through accreditation and safety check, the car cannot be changed. Entrants are permitted to drive other entered vehicles. Your vehicle and current drivers licence must be presented at the Accreditation Office. All vehicles will undergo a safety inspection. It is still the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle is adequately prepared for the event. This includes but is not limited to steering, brakes, “especially pads and fluid” and brake lights, battery clamps and all other safety equipment fitted including seat belts windows etc all shall be in excellent working order.
The only acceptable blood alcohol reading for entrants at Powercruise is 0.00. Random breath testing will take place throughout the event. Entrants are required to wear enclosed shoes while driving on the track. For competition driving events including Off Street Racing, Drifting, Powerskids & Burnouts, all entrants are required to wear helmets, enclosed footwear and non-flammable clothing with full coverage from ankle to wrist to neck. All Entrants/Participants are required to follow all Powercruise Staff and/or Official’s directions promptly and to full compliance. Powercruise strongly recommends anyone who is pregnant, not participate in any on track activities in any way, and to seek their own medical advice.
Due to the contract terms between Powercruise Promotions and the venue, the venue will always be open and the Powercruise will always go ahead. The event will never be cancelled or postponed due to rain or any other reason. The full standard entrant fee into Powercruise is $160. Powercruise offers discounted rates with cut off dates so to make it more affordable for everyone. By pre entering you understand that you have paid a discounted fee and therefore understand the following conditions apply. A refund of entry fee less a $40 administration fee will be given if the entry is withdrawn in writing 14 Days prior to the commencement of the event. ViP Entry Packages, Special Event, Promotional, Limited or Partial Entries are non-refundable. Full price entries are accepted online and on the day at the entrant’s discretion and there will be no refunds due to inclement weather, broken down vehicles or for any other reason. Any pre entrants that do not attend the event for any reason understand that they have willingly forfeited their entry fee and there will be no refund and they are not transferable. All Purchases/Entrant Fees are to be paid in full upfront and all sales are final and not contingent on any other factors. The entry fee includes entry to the event for 1 driver and 1 vehicle for all events except the Dyno Comp & overnight camping. Camping and the Dyno comp incur an additional fee. For an entrant to be eligible to compete in competitions for prize money/prizes they must have a paid an entrant fee, any unpaid entrant fees will deducted from any prize monies won at the full on the day entrant fee.
All Entrants/Drivers/Vehicles are accepted at the discretion of the promoter. The promoter has the right to terminate my participation in the event at any stage for whatever reason he and/or she sees fit. Entrants who have had all armbands removed due to their misbehaviour on or off the track must take responsibility for their actions and there will be no exchanges or refunds. Upon Entering Powercruise your contact information, phone number & email address will be added to our Marketing Databases/E-newsletter database, if you do not wish to receive E-newsletters from us please let us know. By entering/attending this event you agree that Powercruise may use photographs or video footage taken of yourself or your vehicle during the event for publicity purposes including DVD production, television commercials merchandise or for future Powercruise events promotion with no eligibility for compensation. If you are another event promoter copying our terms and conditions because you are too lazy to write your own, you are a loser. Powercruise reserves the right to alter, extend, delete or change event, event/venue layout, and/or event program which in some circumstances may reduce activities without notice for any reason, including inclement weather, including but not limited to ending scheduled cruise sessions early if there are not enough cars on track or misbehaviour.
Any damages caused (wilfully or unwilfully) to any property belonging to anyone including but not limited to, race track walls, track surface, safety barriers, fences & signage in the event of an accident, must be paid for. The vehicle/vehicles in question, and/or any prizes/prize money will be retained as collateral until full payment is made. Entrants are responsible for their actions on and off the track at all times. Police may be involved if required. Powercruise Insurers cover personal Injury but not property. Any antisocial or violent behaviour by anyone inside the venue will not be tolerated; this will result in you being evicted from the venue and reported to the police if necessary with no refunds. Fraud of any kind at Powercruise will not be tolerated, including any manner of false pretences, misleading, misrepresentation, fraudulent identification, event accreditation, stickers and/or wristbands. Any fraudulent behaviour will result in immediate termination of your participation, exclusion from future events and be reported to the police. Any person caught driving/attempting to drive a vehicle on the track without the correct armbands or vehicles stickers will cause the entrant/vehicle owner to lose their driving privileges and all track access stickers will be removed from the vehicle. Entrants are responsible for their own, and their passengers actions/behaviour. Police may be involved if required. Any & all purchases, transfers and/or changes must be made through the official Powercruise website or Powercruise office, it is the entrants responsibility to make purchases, transfers and/or changes through the correct channels.
If your car breaks down on track, or requires towing for any reason, Powercruise staff/volunteers will tow/recover your car in good faith and will take all care possible when towing or recovering your vehicle, however Powercruise Staff and Volunteers take no responsibility for any damage that may occur during this process, or at any time at Powercruise. Powercruise Entrants should educate themselves in proper towing procedures. Only approved Powercruise Staff/Volunteers will conduct vehicle tows/recoveries from track, by entering Powercruise you accept the risks involved with towing or recovering your car. Entrants are not permitted to arrange their own tows/recoveries from the circuit enclose. Refusal to be recovered, or continued/excessive recoveries of the same car is considered intentionally wasting track time and resources, and may incur a fee or termination of your participation.
Anyone who performs a donut on track whether intentional or unintentionally at any time for any reason during cruising must be aware that this is considered dangerous no matter the circumstances and could result in all driving privileges being instantly revoked without warning for the remainder of the event.
By submitting an entry form and/or participating in anyway, you acknowledge and agree to all Powercruise Terms and Conditions of Entry outlined on this entry form and the Powercruise Website, the Waiver, and the Powercruise Event Guide. By signing this entry form you agree to adhere to all rules outlined on this entry form, the Powercruise Website, the event guide and the drivers briefing video and agree that failure to abide by rules may result in driving privileges being revoked without warning as well as temporary or permanent ban.
Every entrant is required to submit a photo of the entered car with their entry form, or email to info@powercruise.com. All entrants must provide a photograph of the entered vehicle (even if one was sent for previous Powercruise® event). Entrants who do not provide a photograph may be rejected at the Safety Inspection process. The photos may be used for publicity purposes - on our website, posters, flyer and magazines etc. By entering the event you agree that Powercruise® Promotions may use photographs or video footage taken of yourself or your vehicle during the event for publicity purposes included DVD production, television commercials or for future Powercruise® events.